
On 15th Jan. 2019, EDchatDE will take place for the 224th time. 224 times topics were chosen, questions prepared, translated, the chat moderated, in most cases André, Peter (R.) and Torsten were active, Christiane and Mandy were background support. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our colleagues who worked in the team in 2015/16 and were also involved in the creation of the #EDchatDE book (in alphabetical order): Alicia, Elke, Ines, Monika, Peter (J.) and Urs. For almost five and a half years we have shown how a chat can work. We are proud of this, but we have noticed for some time now that our calendars are getting more crowded. And when we, André and Torsten, looked through our agendas, we very quickly noticed that many of our Tuesday appointments this year are full. Especially in the next weeks we cannot moderate.

After five and a half years there are now so many experienced contributors to #EDchatDE that we are now turning to you: We invite you to participate even more actively in #EDchatDE and become even stronger contributors. You have a topic that you find really urgent, interesting or simply worth discussing? Then use the Tuesday evening, think about questions and moderate your #EDchatDE, Tuesdays from 8pm to 9pm MET.

In order to avoid overlapping topics and to prevent two people from moderating at the same time (unless you’re doing it together for one topic), we’ve set up a Google Doc where you can sign up. The topics are not chosen via the #EDchatDE voting process. You have to promote the chat yourself. It would be nice if you would stick to the format you are used to. Click here for the template form for the chat. 

If there is no topic including moderation, there will be no #EDchatDE on the respective Tuesday.

The hashtag is also intended for communication on Twitter.

We’ll observe your activities and think about how the #EDchatDE will continue, if we might even give it a completely new content filling.

The #EDchatDE on 15.01.2019 will take place as usual, apart from the topic voting at the end. So if you want to prepare, advertise, moderate or join the 225th EDchatDE on 22.01.: The Google-Doc can be found here.

We are curious!

Torsten und André

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